This place is a sketchpad for nascent thoughts on AI that are, as yet, crude and underdeveloped; a digital version of a coffee chat, complete with tangents and speculation.

Though I sometimes stumble through territory that rightly belongs to philosophers, policy experts, and even assyriologists, I always bring along my baggage as a theoretical computer scientist. Everything looks like computation to me.

I am presently the Chief AI Officer at Western University, a professor in the Department of Computer Science (and a few other departments), and a member of The Rotman Institute of Philosophy, and The Western Institute for Neuroscience. I’m also a faculty affiliate of Toronto's Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

I previously served as the Vice-President, Research at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research(CIFAR), and Chief Digital Information Officer, Associate Vice-President (Research) and Special Advisor to the President at Western.

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Artificial cognitive science modulo theoretical computer science. Occasional policy ramblings.


Chief AI Officer at Western University. Currently wandering the nexus of theoretical computer science, AI, neuroscience, philosophy, and policy.